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White&Gray apartment by Joanna Szawłowska
White and Gray is a 50 m2 area apartment located in Poznan visualized by Joanna Szawłowska. The young owner wanted to have a cozy space for two people. The designer planned a lounge and kitchen as an open space also limited objects and furniture, so the interior is more spacious and tidy....
Dream talks – Hovory zo sna by Lukas Vanco
Project Hovory zo sna, dream talks in English, is a personal work that aims not to impress but to express our own artist's feelings through visual impulse. For him, not everything is set on the right path in your life, relationships especially. Let's check out this art set!...
Cotton Sea by Anthony Robin
“Noises, waves, cotton. Water out of sight. Please, sit down and contemplate. The ocean, the sea is here, waiting for us, for you. Sometimes violent, sometimes soft and calm but always beautiful. Like an ocean of nothing that would give us everything, like a place where your dreams come true.” T...
Lifeguard Waterbottle by Kristine Vodon
Lifeguard Watterbottle is a project created by Kristine Vodon. This was her major project in her second year of Industrial Design undergraduate degree, she chose a unique user group with very specific user criteria for a water bottle and this is what ended up driving the final design. Read on and en...
Fan by Gerhardt Kellermann
We might have seen all kinds of designs of a fan, and they almost looked the same. But, in our feature for today, our designer had conceptualized a way to optimize the functions of a fan while keeping its design minimal but very functional. Check this out!...
Visualization of Mediterranean Villa by Anastasiia Andreichenko
Anastasiia Andreichenko, a Russian computer graphic artist saw Mediterranean Villa by Paz Gersh Architects on one of the architectural sites. Villa looked very harmoniously and it seemed a well-thought-out building for a comfortable life. She end up with the idea to making this visualization....
Elevations by Anrique Azhar
Elevations consists of 2 very particular projects where the clients required illustrated documents that consisted of all the design process sketches that lead to the final design. Let us take a look on how Anrique Azhar finish this project. Read on and enjoy!...
Cycle Track by Kirill Gorozhanin
Cycle track is a competitive project for the development of the territory on the banks of the Oka River in Russian Federation in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. Let us take a look at how Kirill Gorozhanin, a Russian architect, give justice to his designs. Enjoy!...
Grand Place by Stefan Bleekrode
Today's feature is more about on a imaginary drawing of a market square in Belgium's city. This imaginary drawing is called "Grand Place" and is illustrated by a talented illustrator from Netherlands, Stefan Bleekrode. Read on and take a time to! look at how creative his imagination is through his d...