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Gabú Brito
June 24, 2018
1 Comment

This project is a visual concept of scenarios for animation, together with three characters from a tribe that lives in houses on the tree. the scenarios are made in a more organic finish simulating the traditional, which always enchant. and draw my attention to my feeds.

Whenever I saw a house on the tree in some movie or animation, I thought immediately, I need to illustrate something like that one day. I always thought the idea was fun. And the time had come to finally get that idea out of her head.

I made several sketches that I did not like or thought very generic, until I drew a house on the round tree and I thought: Does a tree hold this? We do not think so, but trees are strikingly diverse with trunks, foliage twigs, different heights. The variations are endless! so there must be some way, by observing a lot and scribbling a lot I came up with some fun solutions.

The work is 100% digital, the traditional look comes from the gouache brushes I use (To give this charm from traditional to work). But the most important thing at the time of starting work is the composition, of all the fundamentals of the drawing that, for me, is one of the most important. It is as if it were the text of a play, which dictates what will happen, tells the story, says what should have more or less importance in the scene.

At the time of the drafts I use Autodesk's SKETCHBOOK, because that limits enough for me not to exaggerate the details.

Composition made! now I go to photoshop where I paint the own draft deciding the colors that I will use for finishing the job, A kind of color sketch

From there it is very mechanical, basically defining all the forms of the scene and working the light and shadow of each one.

To close, some lighting adjustments and ambiance, and that's it!

I was happy with the result. The work was well received. Some criticisms opened my eyes to things I had not seen before and left me excited to continue working on and developing more illustrations.

There are several moments in which there is a certain discouragement, such as finding that the work is not evolving and in that the interaction with the public is always very welcoming.

Draw, smile, hug someone, love, travel, and draw again;)

Gabú Brito

I am a freelance Brazilian illustrator, lover of comics, cartoons, theater and music, lots of music. I work a lot with editorial illustration and HQ when it gives time (Because it's really cool!).

My name is Gabriel but my friends call me Gabu ?

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