11Hotel&Garden – is the little comfortable hotel in the center of Tula (Russian Federation). There are old fashioned brick building and small front garden with young trees and lawn.The design of the hotel was inspired by contemporary European boutique hotels and traditional British guest houses. Its elegant and comfortable rooms balance modern features with timeless classics.
11Hotel&Garden have simple naming and graphic style inspired with Victorian era and gentleman spirit.
11 is quantity of rooms. They says "gentleman always has enough". This could be slogan of hotel. As a gentleman it have all for really quality vacation without excesses.
There aren't large spaces but every of 11 rooms have TV, bathroom, WiFi, bad and desk. There isn't bar or restaurant but friendly staff bring you a bag with breakfast every morning. There isn't fitness center but you can find instruction for self physical exercises in your folder.
Detailed instructions, navigation with icons and wall plates helps visitors to orientate in hotel and around.
Usually I start to work with pencil sketches, but in this project computer was main instrument from the beginning. Basically all works were made in Illustrator and InDesign. Only gentleman's exercises illustrations were drawn with pen.
I collected moodboards for inspiration and discuss it with client, used to offer many options of naming.
It was long but interesting project. All branding processes (researches, positioning, naming, design…etc) were made by only two people – me and client. And it was our first experience in hotel business.
I am glad to know 11Hotel&Garden become popular for less than a year. Visitors likes friendly service and considered design. Some of them stay only in 11Hotel&Garden every time visiting the city.
Full project here:
In 2015 11 Hotel & Garden received a Booking.com excellence award.