Behance New Look by Philipp Lampe
The Behance remake was some kind of "tribute" to Behance, which helps web designer, Philipp Lampe a lot at with his daily work as art director. And on Behance there are a lot of remakes, so he decided it's time to come up with his own. Beside of that it's part of a collection he made in a few days, designing several known websites.
I had an an inflammation, therefore I was nearly three weeks certified sick. Haha, surfing all the day and watching movies, while lying around is very boring after a few days and weeks. So I get the urge to produce some stuff beside the whole daily work. Without any client and feedback loop, just the way I'd like to. So I came up with this remake and four others, doing one layout every day.
-Philipp Lampe
I can't define the one project which influenced me. I think there is a lot of cool stuff out there today and the people are mixing different styles from the past years in an interesting way. I think every creative has this repertoire of ideas filled with impressions of different fields. I really enjoy nice editorial design, or nice branding design. There you can find more often a division like in the behance design.
-Philipp Lampe
The massive header which has no exactly use, but I love it. Dividing the first impression nearly the golden ratio in this hardcore blue and grey, hadn't seen this before in a website like this. To say it in three words simple, functional and if I'm allowed to colorful. I'm very impressed of very different artists. Jakob Kahlen, what he made of b&o - wow. Martin Oberhaeuser, no one can design complex information like him. Chad Michael, just a master of typography and ornaments. Ana Mirats, editorial design like every magazine should be. I love the work of hellomonday, huge or odopod. To name only a few. The range is very wide.
-Philipp Lampe
Do what you love doing. I think this always leads to the best result and should be the first premise. Moreover always try to improve yourself. Surround yourself with things you like. And keep your eyes open for new inspiration. To quote one poster in my apartment "designing is basically the practice of combining stuff: ideally in ways that haven't been seen before. So the more stuff you know (about everything), the greater the chance you'll find a relevant and distinctive, and therefore effective (and original) combination". I love textbooks and my cupboard is filled of typography and design books. I think especially as a webdesigner you can find here a great source of inspiration and learn things, which you won't find in this quality on the web.
-Philipp Lampe
About Philipp Lampe
Philipp Lampe is 26-year-old Art Director from Berlin. Some of his prominent clients are: Ebay, Telefonica, Honor, Hansgrohe / Axor, Marc O'Polo, Nestlé and a lot more. See more of his works on Behance.
Love this such a great piece.