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Branding - Luan Oliveira

Branding - Luan Oliveira

Luan Oliveira
September 9, 2017

The initial idea was to work with something that identifies me. So I choose my name initial: L.
My purpose is to show you my personality. Would have to be simple, direct and soft.

A idéia inicial foi trabalhar com algo que me identificasse. Desta forma, foi escolhida
a inicial do meu nome, a letra L. A intenção é transmitir minha personalidade.
Teria que ser algo simples, direto e agradável.

I love flat design. So I decided to use that style in my own identity. I choose colors I like but has a very big meaning too. The choice of colors was based on a modern and irreverent design. Green: representing calm, harmony, and softness. Purple: representing creativity and knowledge.

Initially, the project was designed by hand and then vectorized. Then finally I used Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. All the work was done by me, based on searches, references, and sleepless nights. The result was very satisfactory and positive.

The reception was very positive. I have received many constructive criticisms and learned a lot about working with people. Despite being a beginner in the area, I have received incredible criticism from people who have been in business for quite some time.

Luan Oliveira

I'm Luan Oliveira, graphic designer, Student of Multimedia from Vila Velha, Espirito Santo. I want to show my ideas and solve problems using creativity.

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