Concert Hall Design by Levente Gyulai
The Concert Hall Design is a competition piece by Levente Gyulai in collaboration with Reznicsek Zoltan. Their task was to design a Concert Hall in Tokyo with 2000+ seats and several other related functions. Scroll down to see their amazing project.
After developing rough digital models, we created a main concept model in Cinema4D within a record time of course with the help of parametric and generative modeling techniques. Renderings were also made with C4D's advanced render + PS.
-Levente Gyulai
It basically lays on some analogies (like linear dissolving) which were leading the whole design process (for eg. determined form and spatial creation methods). We wanted this building to gradually disappear as it gets near and near to the park, utilizing itself as an extension of the garden, following the Shintoist Japanase tradition.
-Levente Gyulai
I don't really have a particular style or it's always changing. I look on architecture as an applied art with a kind of background meaning meanwhile its well-optimized on uses. Generally, I have a really theoretical approach (I mean for using for eg. environmental psychology or historical, spiritual content while preparing the plan) on developing design, I prefer well-founded, coherent design in every details where everything is in correlation.
-Levente Gyulai
I like actually like to say that it's not me who develops the plan, and I just generate the ideology and the building designs itself. :) Roughly, of course but that's the idea and with the use of parametric techniques not that it is so impossible. My main inspiration is the whole advanced design community on the net incl. Daniel Widrig, Angewandte Wienna, Behance, Hadid, even motion graphic pros like beeple, maciej kuciara, and many more but almost everybody who make something exciting :) And of course biomimetics is what I really go for.
-Levente Gyulai
Learn the most advanced design methodologies and techniques (Xpresso, Grasshopper, low/high-Poly+Nurbs modeling, Biomimetics etc) and never accept anything without questioning it, be really critical and redesign every theory, dogma, method, from scratch if you dont like it, even the very basics. These things are in my mind nowadays and it may sound like crazy cause it's too general, but, I believe that this attitude is the key for a good design.
-Levente Gyulai
About Levente Gyulai
Levente Gyulai is a 27-yr-old architect living and currently working in Budapest. He is passionately involved in advanced design (parametric and generative methods, biomimetics, other design methodologies ) since 2008. See more of his work at Behance.
This is a beautiful design! Love the accents and the forms. Good Job!
Looks very futuristic, great design too! Nice work, Levente!