ECCE HOMO by Natalia Evelyn Bencicova
ECCE Homo is a very delicate and sensitive project for our artist. We have featured Natalia quite a few times before, her latest one was Ripe, and as always, we get mesmerized with how her arts are considered beyond beautiful. When we ask Evelyn for an interview on this art set, she told us that the topic of this project is very complicated, and that it should speak with feeling rather than explanation. An idea inspired by a rather unfortunate event, a scene from an emergency room; a true event in her life where she had felt the strong emotion of questioning the essence of her life's existence, her identity. An emotion she transcended into art. Read on and let us know how and what you've felt.
ECCE HOMO is about humanity and its behavioral patterns in society. This project represents my thought at that moment but in very abstract, simplified way.
- Natalia Evelyn Bencicova
It didn't take more than 2 months in general, each photo was done in 2-3 hours in order to keep a certain comfort of the models. I spend a lot of time with location scouting, searching for abandon or unknown places. I used cold, uni-personal interiors which represent public space in which we find ourselves every day. By showing the subject of the photo, humanity in such a reduced for of bodies the final result balances on the border of reality and illusion, what I really like.
- Natalia Evelyn Bencicova
Ideas always came from life, from the world arround. Actually I got inspired for Ecce homo by waiting at emergency service in Bratislava. I was sitting in the waiting room with other injured people for many hours, suffering by pain as well as growing despair. It made me think about my value as a human being if I forget my personal sense of identity. ECCE HOMO is an attempt to put this thought into pictures, but I still consider it quite incomplete.
- Natalia Evelyn Bencicova
I shot this project with just natural light and my regular camera(Canon 5D Mark II). Even if photos look like bigger production I worked with no budget, with assistance of 1-2 friends who helped me with everything. Photos are postproducted with Adobe photoshop where I focus mostly on tonality and color corrections.
- Natalia Evelyn Bencicova
I don't feel like I am the person who should be giving any advice:). Follow what you want, do what you like and if it is not possible, try to make it possible. Never give up and always grow, develop your work and personality outside of given restrictions. To this I would add a quote: If you believe in yourself there is no limit to go.
- Natalia Evelyn Bencicova
Natalia Evelyn Bencicova, born in March 12, 1992 works mostly with digital photography. She grew up in Bratislava, Slovakia currently studying in Vienna (University of Applied Arts, class of photography and fine arts). In her work she is trying to pursue a point in which the commercial and artistic meet, focusing on conceptual as well as visual aspect of photography.
Amazing shots!