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Elena by Paolo Pettigiani

Elena by Paolo Pettigiani

Marianne Piano
October 7, 2015

One fine day, friends took their penny board and camera for an escapade to the mountain. The Penny board is named after the former professional skateboarder Ben Mackay's sister, Penny. What makes a penny board unique is that its parts are composed of several different parts, manufactured separately. You can then decide to buy by parts or as a whole set. You can see in this photo set a blend of modern and old. Grab your boards and meet Elena and Paolo! Have fun!

The project was for a personal shooting with a friend during a skateboarding session on mountain.

- Paolo Pettigiani



The shooting took a day and I post-produce and selected the best photos during the following day. I prefer to shoot and post product in two different days.

- Paolo Pettigiani



Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset


I'm not usual to do portrait shooting but for this project I want to do something different from the classic fashion shooting. I like the match between the old wood and the modern colors of the skate. I used my Canon 5D Mark III, 35 mm f/1.4 and the sun light.

- Paolo Pettigiani




Paolo Pettigiani is a 24 year-old photographer. He believes that his passion for photography is innate in him. At the age of 5, he saw for the first time a darkroom and it was like a call to which he felt he had to respond. At 10, during all trips with his parents, he always had the analog camera in hand ready to capture moments and preserve it forever.

More than just a job is a great passion. He shoots for pleasure. He experiences, looks, and seeks inspiration for personal projects. He wanted to create moments, feelings and memories to last eternally. Another strong passion he has is the snow, he became a snowboard instructor for a year. But, Paolo also thinks about the future and the best way to channel his creativity and the desire to experiment, so he attended Design and Visual Communication at the Polytechnic of Turin.

See more of his artworks in Behance and his Instagram.

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