Design Ideas Logo


Rodrigo Oliveira Santos
June 1, 2021

LOGOfolio is a collection of brands that were created and developed since 2015, for various clients and projects.

As a designer, I'm inspired by minimalism and concept art and the influence that these art movements had on the design itself and the behavior of brand design in general. I believe that a good brand is not made by the artistry of the concept, but instead how subtle and direct the message of the symbols indicate the value, process, and services that the brand wants to communicate.

So, when I design anything, my first thought is always how can I create a simple and subtle communication, without losing any complexity or artistry of the symbols and complements. I began always focusing on the more resume version of the service or product - that I can translate in words that can easily illustrate for the user/consumer what the product actually is. From that, I start to study possible reverences that I can use as my inspiration. After study the references, I start thinking and doodling possible versions, and from that start the real process of designing and choosing what the final brand should look like, here always taking into account what was ask from the clients in the briefing. Normally I finish the project with two possible versions and let the client choose the one he most identifies/liked. Always remembering him for who and what we are designing. But I'm always changing my process depending on the project or client, to find the middle ground that makes both me and a client comfortable and happy with the project and results.

- Illustrator
- Photoshop
- Indesign

Usually my design has a good response, because of the interaction of artistry and subtle and simple conception of the elements.

Rodrigo Oliveira Santos

Sempre proativo em uma constante busca por novos conhecimentos e desafios, que ajudam na evolução das minhas habilidades e no desenvolvimento de minha carreira profissional. Disposto a embarcar em novos desafios, me adapto muito bem com novos processos e rotinas. Desde 2015 construindo minha experiência com marketing e design, nos últimos anos focado no mercado digital (me especializando em análise e otimização de campanhas de performance para obter resultados).

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