The project "Orange Sprout" is a children's room for sisters, maximally combining the dynamic form and functionality of the interior.
Thanks to the dynamic design, the room for three sisters became comfortable and functional.
The main task of the room design was to organize a space for the comfortable life of three girls - two twins and their older sister.
Every child, like a young tree, strives for the sun and needs its space for growth. Zoning was the starting point in the development of the concept of the project. Visually, the zones are delimited by partitions that are created in the likeness of tree branches. In the distribution of decorative segments that serve as regiments, there is a natural pattern and harmony.
Manual sketches allow you to quickly capture the idea, which can then be modified in special programs. Basically, I use 3ds max and its photorealistic capabilities, and in order to implement the plans I need to make working drawings, I do them in the archcad.
At the moment the project is just created, waiting for comments and comments.
In any case, it will be interesting and useful for me. It is important for me to know whether such forms will be of interest to people and whether they want something like this?
The general style of the room determined the geometric pattern in the elements of furniture and engraving on the facades of furniture. The basic color scale is made in shades of gray with bright accents of orange two tones. Complementing the natural purity, the furniture body has a wood texture.
Alex Bazyl
I, designer Alex Bazyl, use dynamic design to create an environment that adapts to man's changing needs.
In childhood, I liked playdough to make any forms (different cars, chairs, small men and even a volcano with streaming water) and to draw comics. Studying bio forms started on the second year at the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Fine Arts at practicals on composition. The first significant architectural model was an awning in a park in the form of a big streamlined sheet. At my third year of studies, I went into ceramics and mastered the potter's wheel. I liked to work with the material and make round spatial objects. Along with my studies, I executed a first project of an apartment with a concept of rounded forms and ceilings. I designed furniture with rounded forms and mastered woodworking plasticity. The next step was creating the Future-O design studio. In the projects, I offered curvilinear solutions, streamlined spaces, though more geometrically strict solutions were also suggested.
Dynamic design enables using space properly, where its convex and concave parts play not only a decorative role but a functional one as well. This enables using space to the utmost by adding functional shelves and niches for arranging decorative elements, books and other accessories.
In my work, I use personalization, self-education and eco-design trends. Understanding client's feelings and an analysis of the environment enables finding solutions that reflect the person's character. My interior design swings the layout to an unusual angle and finds approaches that can turn standard solutions upside down. Besides, in my interior design, I use medical studies that confirm the environmental impact on man's health.