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Your Daily Dose for Design Ideas

Design Ideas is your source for fresh hand-picked inspirations. It has been said that the best way to improve your creativity is to analyze the work of other artists. Here at Design Ideas, our editors curate and deliver the best designs to you daily. If you see something you like, please leave a comment for the artist (even if it's short). Your comments are greatly appreciated by the artists.

Hunting Season by Constantinos Chaidalis

"Hunting Season" is an ongoing personal collage and illustration project focusing on personal events....

Piggies with Stamp by Carla José Loza Arze

If you think you are too old to having a piggy bank, then you should take a look at our featured design for today and you will definitely want to think again. The main purpose for this design is to encourage little kids to save money and you who are reading this might be encouraged […]...

Bacardi Cocktails by Mateusz Karasinski

You can't have a good party without friends and cocktails. And good cocktails require the best of ingredients. That's why Mateusz Karasinski, our featured artist for today asked a couple of his friends to become one. Read on and enjoy!...

Bathroom Faucet by Demian Esser

At first glance, you might think it is a microphone but you are wrong. This is a bathroom faucet with a simple yet deceiving design that will amaze you. Are you going to have this kind of design if you get to have a chance? If I were you, I'll definitely have this design for […]...

Droops Coffee Maker by Eason Chow

Today's feature is a coffee maker that redefines the experience of processing coffee in conventional coffee makers, this is called the Droops Coffee Maker created by Eason Chow, an industrial designer from Singapore. According to him, Droops is the sound made by gentle falling liquid which informs t...

San City High Records Dj Photoshoot by Jan Masny

Who says DJs are only for music industry? They can be fun in other areas as well just like our featured artist for today who managed to take great photographs of DJs having fun in a photoshoot. Read on and be inspired with this fun concept. Enjoy!...

Humans of London by Rachelle Tan

Have you ever heard the song "People" by Barbara Streisand? The song depicts a powerful message that the people who needs people are the luckiest people in the world. So today, we bring you a heart-warming photographs of people in London as being captured by Rachelle Tan, an aspiring graphic designe...

São • Fruit Ice Creams by Mariana Gonçalves

São is a Popsicle Portuguese brand. Their ice creams are natural, healthy, balanced and made with fresh and carefully selected fruit....

Interstellar by Marie Bergeron

Interstellar piece was created for a show in 8bit Gallery in L.A called Space Heroes. There was of course of lot of subject I could have tackle. But Interstellar was a movie that got me completely awe and in the memory of this gorgeous film I decided to take on it. Like every piece, I […]...