Pengu Marshmallow Family
Pengu Marshmallow Family is my third vinyl sticker project for Twitchy Kitty Studio. The first two stickers were created for travel mugs. This was a lot of fun to create, as I really enjoy the marshmallow projects. They're typically colorful, unique, and experimental.
I was considering another marshmallow penguin character for my first hat/gloves embroidery project, as it was the beginning of January. One of my nephews had just had a birthday, and as penguins are his favorite animal, I had him in mind when I started working on this marshmallow family.
My process typically starts by incubating an idea in my head for a bit, followed by sketching it out onto paper and inking. (I've been favoring the toned tan papers the last couple of years.) After inking, I scanned it and brought the image into Illustrator to create the linework as vector art, and then took the vector line work into Photoshop for colors. I like to create the final image larger than I need so I can use it for a variety of purposes, if I want/need to.
I've had quite a bit of positive feedback from this and other marshmallow projects. I recorded the initial sketching process, and I learned I have a long way to go to get good at video! The camera angle was fine until I started to ink, and I didn’t realize it needed to be adjusted.
If you're interested in the sketch video, that lives on the Twitchy Kitty Studio Youtube channel.
So cute!