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Sculptural Reception Area

Sculptural Reception Area

Soha mekaid
March 13, 2019

The design is a reception area that has been translated with a sculptural perception where the waiting area and the information desk have been merged and Fusion. The design has flexible lines to fit the size of the sculpted unit, which occupies a large area because it has more than one function.

The design is the formation of an interior space for a tourist company and the purpose of the design is to combine the function and shape, design is the first thing the client sees when entering the company so the desired is to see the user design as artwork at the beginning and then translates its job by approaching it.

The concept of design depends on diagram paths planes . I did some sketches inspired by these drawings and by deleting and adding to those perceptions I reached the final form of the block and because the design occupies a relatively large area I tried to make it flexible through the diversity in the directions of places where Allows the user to sit on it.

The design has the ability to adapt and change depending on the space , it is possible to use the same design in an exterior space " outdoor" and give the user the freedom to develop the functional perceptions of the cluster by interacting with it.

soha mekaid

ِAn Interior Architect , furniture designer, master's degree in interior architecture, Believing that the interior design is an exploratory journey through which infinite worlds are created. The user is the explorer and he has the freedom to translate the space function from his point of view

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