Design Ideas Logo
Logos | Emblems 2015 by Milos Milovanovic
Let's check out the logo collection of our featured artist, a collection of his projects and personal works from 2012-2015. Read on and enjoy!...
The Nomad | Branding by Borja Acosta de Vizcaíno
We will get a sneak peek of the project our featured artist is currently working on. The campaign will be launched on the first quarter of 2016. Read on and enjoy!...
Logo Collection by Esteban Oliva
This art set is a collection of different logo styles that the artist created for used and unused client proposals, during the year 2014 and 2015. Esteban creates simple but catchy logos. Check it out and be amazed of his minimalist and fun designs!...
Small People: Big Places by Ben Blennerhassett
Nowadays, taking a selfie and focusing mainly on the angles where human faces almost fill the whole photo is very popular. But, in this photo set, from the title itself, our artist captured bigger chunks of the landscape or the background instead of just a face and made a difference in the trend. Re...
Ernest Hemingway Book Jackets by Anna Ahnborg
Ernest Hemingway is an American author and journalist and his understated influence on 20th-century fiction is the inspiration of this artwork set. These book cover design is created with a touch of humor and modern art for E. H's world renowned classic novels. Minimal but symbolic. Enjoy reading!...
March by Zivan Rosic
March is a collaboration of architects and creative marketing professionals founded in 1998 in Santa Monica by two partners. The partnership offers experience and innovation in marketing, strategy, and design. The core mission of March is to build brand value through architecture....
Fan by Gerhardt Kellermann
We might have seen all kinds of designs of a fan, and they almost looked the same. But, in our feature for today, our designer had conceptualized a way to optimize the functions of a fan while keeping its design minimal but very functional. Check this out!...
Symbolism - Helmets by Ion Lucin
Our feature for today is an artwork by a minimalist designer. His inspiration is the symbolic value of popular helmets from movies and video games. Who doesn't recognize Scout Trooper from Star Wars, Iron Man and Star Lord from the Guardians of the Galaxy? Sit back and let these helmets take you dow...
Notch by Nicholas Baker
This wonderful tableware collection is a must-have in your kitchen or coffee tables. We have seen these table pieces before, but what makes this design stand-out are the additional features - they are intuitively designed and conceptualized. Check them out and enjoy!...