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Array Tower by Mateusz Klepadło

Array Tower by Mateusz Klepadło

Design Ideas
June 18, 2015

Architect/Artist, Mateusz Klepadło shows us a glimpse of what the future holds for us with his project Array Tower.

I gave myself a task to create a tower with the least amount of elements possible. I wanted to create a building showing how simple and dynamic can be architecture created from only a few repeatable objects. In the end, it drop down to only one element from which the main body of the tower is created.
-Mateusz Klepadlo


I am always starting designing with rough sketches. After coming up with the base idea, I am starting experimenting in 3D software. In this particular case - Cinema4D. There was no specific material 'inspiration' behind the Array Tower. When I am working on projects - digital art, architecture etc. I like to listen to music and set my imagination free and then see what will happen. It makes the 'creation' part of every project much more interesting and unpredictable.
-Mateusz Klepadlo


Trust yourself, be patient and let your imagination do the work!
-Mateusz Klepadło


Mateusz is a young architect and an artist. He graduated two years ago from Architecture and Urban Planning at the Technical University of Bialystok in Poland. He has worked for various architectural studios and worked on many different projects from architectural field and art. Currently, he's am working as a CGI artist and in his free time he's working on his own architectural and art projects. You can see more of his works at Behance or his website.

3 comments on “Array Tower by Mateusz Klepadło”

  1. Quite different. Would be a challenge to actually make it because this design is one of a kind and would require considerable engineering and architectural chops to accomplish its final construction. Mateusz Klepadlo touched the limits of imagination and creativity with his design of Array Tower.

  2. That's what a building will look like in future. The Lighting makes it more beautiful. Is there any particular reason behind designing it in a spiral way?

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