Colour Your City - Society of illustrators NY by Emiliano Ponzi
Winsor and Newton created a new product, the pigment markers and asked some illustrators to “test” them. The topic for the exhibition, connected with the launch of the new markers, was “colour our city” so depicting some aspects of the city.
I was in NY for a month and a half last summer and I used to take the metro every day to go to the studio walking through the amazing melting pot of people that lives in NY. What hits me is exactly that humanity, the differeces and the freedom that poeple feels in acting, dressing, talking. My contribute conveyed this side of the metropolis. I started sketching a character, tracing over new overlaied sheet the same figure over and over until I arrived to have just clean lines and defined shapes. I did some tests on a small scale with the markers and then I redesigned the figure on a larger scale.
- Emiliano Ponzi
I mostly work digitally so the challenge was to menage the real media in an effective way. Markers can be a very difficult tecnique because no mistake is allowded. I found very interesting to use the blender to mix different colors in order to create gradients.The white marker is impressive too: it is quite different from the others, it is similar to the guache. it has to be applied once that everything beneath is dry to create very interesting lighting effects. I did 3-4 versions of every image I sent for the exhibition.
- Emiliano Ponzi
I just delivered an illustration for the New Yorker. Last week I came back from New York where I presented at the Society of Illustrators “the Journey of the Penguin”, my last book that celebrates the 80s anniversary of the Penguin books publishing house.
- Emiliano Ponzi
About Emiliano Ponzi
Strong graphic compositions and the use of conceptual metaphors to define and communicate the concept at hand. His client include The New Yorker, The New York Times, Le Monde, Esquire, Smithsonian, Time Out New York, Penguin books, Louis Vuitton, Armani, American Airlines, Hyundai.He has received numerous honors including the Gold Cube from NY ADC and medals of honor from the SOI NY. You can find more of his works on his Behance profile or website.