Findit App Concept by Simone Guccio
Simone Guccio's Concept App - FindIt is an online shopping portal which aims to help people shop in their nearby locations. The app will contain all hte products available from neaby stores where to find them and some more info about the product or the store.
"Findit" is a concept of an app that helps to find items in the nearby local stores. I got the idea few months ago when I was looking for a Vans sweatshirt but I didn't know where I could bought it in my city, so I asked to myself - Why doesn't exist anything to help people making the process of shopping easier and faster?
-Simone Guccio
The design started with the most powerful device, paper and pen. I sketched on paper for two days and then, when I had a clear idea of all the project, I started to produce digital wireframes and the design of the App logo and UI. All the process required at least one week and half.
-Simone Guccio
The inspiration for the project was given me by an hard study of the market and from other apps that had common points with my concept. I wanted an easier interface as possible because the users could complete their tasks in the app in less time as possible for having a good experience and feel confidence with it. Good design is little design as possible.
-Simone Guccio
I like my work to be minimal but concise in my design, minimal doesn't mean less things as possible but research the necessary. My inspirations comes to master of Design like Massimo Vignelli, Max Huber, Milton Glaiser and many others, I think that knowing the principles and the style of the protagonists of the story of design is a must for all designers who want to become better.
-Simone Guccio
My advice is to be curious, not only about Design but about the world. The inspiration for me comes from the knowledge of our world, from the music, the art, the history. Be curious and try to improve yourself are the bases for being a good designer.
-Simone Guccio
About Simone Guccio
Simone Guccio is a 21-year-old Graphic Designer from Catania, Sicily. He's interested about all the aspects of Design and Art and wants to become a better designer day by day. His mantra is "less is more". See more of his works on Behance.