Infinity Scientific Club

Infinity scientific club is a university club in Algeria, they inform students about different topics such as programming, graphic design, electronics, and marketing...They approached me to design them a logo that visualizes the relationship between them and the students they share content with, and I wanted to be as expressive as possible in my creative approach.
The client wanted a unique typographic solution so I had to create the characters of the name in a unique way that would distinguish it from the competition.
I had two choices:
1-To create characters from zero.
2-To use a free font and do some tweaks on it.
Based on the time budget I was given, I had to go with the second option which was very helpful; I used the open font 'Signika'.
Color palette:
“Color creates emotion, trigger memory, and gives sensation” Gael Towey, Creative Director, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
The client clearly mentioned in the brief that they wanted some blue or green colors, so I had to use different tones and shades of those colors.
Type solutions:
I needed fonts that would better work with the logo and better identify the brand, professional and adorbale for teh viewer to see, the money budget obliged me to work with open font solutions, so I used two fonts: Exo 2 and Lato, they will do a great job at keeping a typographical style in intellignet and thoughtful thousands of applications over time.
Values & messages:
As I took the filled creative breif, it was clear that the client wanted to visualize some messages and express values in their logo:
-Sharing information is what matters to us.
-Expressing love during your trip with us.
-You are all welcome with us.
-An infinite amount of information.
Creative approach:
As I started out, I wanted to be inside the project, to feel the way a normal student will feel during one of the workshops so I attended one of their workshops and I have seen the relationship between them and their students.
As a start, I used mind mapping to get as many ideas about the logos as possible, the words I have focused on are: Infinity since it is the name of the club, informing which is the main job of the club, scientific as one of the values the logo should contain, people since it is about them and for them.
I was sure that I a character logo won't help a lot, so I went for abstarct and pictorial marks,I then started visualizing those ideas using rough sketches that better communicate the messages I wanted the logo to have.
As I moved forward with my thinking, I finished up an idea that combines all the values and messages I wanted the logo to have which are:
1-love: expressed in the circle on the right that refers to love, and community, it is really inviting the viewer to come.
2-Infinite: which is very clear in the logo, since the name of the club is Infinity, I found that the infinite sign should be clearly represented in the logo.
3-Informing: I used the + sign in the left to prove to the viewer that whenever you come, you're going to get something plus, thoughts, info, joy...
4-share: this message is not fully clear to the viewer, but the disconnected infinity circles are the elements responsible for delivering
5-Friendly face: which is a little bit hidden, it is the whole logo, the eye-balls are the two circles representing infinity and the eyes are the + and the circle.
General image:
As a first view, the viewer should get this message:
Here is where you get an infinite share of information, everybody is welcome so join us!
The client liked the solution very much, many friends and social media followers responded positively to the project -Hope you too!-
Of course you'll learn something new from any new project you do, in this one, I have shaped up my skills in logo gridding, typography, and color solutions.