Live black and white photo

It's rather difficult to shoot in black and white camera configuration. But it is interesting. It doesn't matter what's it, street photo, report or another concept idea. Even people who are close can be an inspiration source.The happening event is instantaneous, the main is to catch it in the form in which it is now.
I suppose it was a complexity of the process itself. The idea comes spontaneously, and sometimes after you look at the picture. Sometimes a color snapshot does not make much sense until you convert it to black and white. And of course the photo processing in the editorial. It is always necessary
It can be as a phone or digital camera. There is no any ongoing process. Basically, as already mentioned above, everything happens instantly. Just see the story nothing more, without any preliminary draft sketches. It's enough to have a camera, everything turns out by itself.
Some people like it, someone dislike. This is a private matter for everyone. Some works got to the exhibition. Black and white photography causes much more interest than color one. The color does not surprise anyone, but the black and white work expresses the essence, the idea, the vision of the world. It is permanent fillings.