Logitech Salvo - Gaming Mouse Concept
Logitech Salvo was a fun project inspired by seeing some of my friends working on similar projects: Kevin Liu and Ken Hsieh (both on Behance).
My aim was to design a concept for a gaming mouse that would aesthetically fall between Logitech's MX mice and gaming mice. I have been using the MX Anywhere 1 and 2 mice for a while and think that their crisp details and balance of size / comfort could make a good basis for a new branch of gaming mouse.
A lot of my professional projects in the past year or two had been wearables and have had a more clean and minimal feel, so I thought it would be fun to design something that was busier and more aggressive. I think some different CMF options are possible when you don't have to consider someone wearing your product daily too, so I was able to try out some different combinations. The choice to make everything in various colors of anodized aluminum is purely selfish -- this would not be a cheap mouse!
I started sketching on paper and came up with a general form language pretty quickly. On a real project, I would have done more variations, but one of the satisfying parts of a personal project is to be able to run with an idea you believe in without having to get approval from others. I went back and forth between sketching digitally (Photoshop) and paper to refine some of the details. The majority of the time on this project was in CAD (Solidworks). I used Keyshot and Photoshop for the renderings, and also a neat free plugin for Photoshop called "Analog Efex Pro" (Nik Collection). Afterwards, I used Shapeways to print out a model.
It was encouraging to see some people appreciate my concept design. My major lesson was to prototype earlier. When I got the 3D printed model, it was acceptable in an ergonomic sense, but I realized that some of the visual proportions were not like I hoped. In a real project, I would have made many rough and quick models early on to evaluate, rather than making the "final model" from scratch.
Thanks for taking a look!
This is a nice looking mouse. I wonder if it's comfortable to use too?