Places You'd Rather Be by Stefan Pezzei
Our artist Stefan traveled around French Alps in Mount Blanc to capture these beautiful scenic spots. The title speaks for itself, these are definitely the places you'd rather be -- you would definitely like to be transported there now. Read on and enjoy!
For the present series, we’ve been travelling for about 1.5 weeks around the French Alps, mainly in the area near Mount Blanc.
- Stefan Pezzei
The series primarily aims to show people all over the world the breathtaking beauty of the French Alps.
- Stefan Pezzei
Furthermore, I tried to add a personal nuance to each photo in order to turn the whole series into a personal reflection of the experiences made.
- Stefan Pezzei
Stefan Pezzei is a 23-year-old photographer and student from Italy. He is currently studying Media Informatics in Vienna, Austria. He enjoys roaming around with his camera always looking for new spots and moods to capture, whenever possible. See more of his great artworks in Behance.