Design Ideas Logo
Hubbled - A community for space enthusiasts
Hubbled is a close-knit community of space enthusiasts and physics nerds who are interested in exploring space and our universal mysteries. I was in charge of their branding, from the logo design to social media aesthetic design. I was also given the opportunity to design their website and blog sect...
Jack’s shoes store.
This project is a shoes store located in Mansoura, Egypt. The project has been implemented on the ground, you can find it infront of Jazzerat Al Ward sporting club, Gomhoria street....
I started this personal project in 2019, The series is about sea life that has been portrayed in a very aesthetic way, minimalistic, with a strong focus on the subject. Until now it is still a work in progress, where every now and then an image can be added, when I come across a new nice subject th...
Ludovico Einaudi
This is an interactive website concept for an italian pianist and composer Ludovico Einaudi. Ludovico Einaudi, a Classical Artist for the YouTube Age is 61, and he is one of the world's most-streamed classical artists, with more followers on Spotify (about 740,000) than Mozart (680,000)....
School Work - Studio 2018
During my training as a graphic designer, I had the opportunity to have a studio photography course. I learned the precise functioning of a camera as well as the whole artistic and aesthetic dimension of photography. I could have had fun with some of my accessories, like my masks, my makeup and my i...
Logotype - Vinicius DiFiore
This project was conceived, planned and developed for a Brazilian personal trainer who is inspired by Viking themes. All the client's personality was translated into a drawing, with the function of representing the professional in the best possible way. Here's the result! Enjoy!...
The art project which carring night mood, dreaming about space. Architecture the art of building in which human requirements and construction materials are related so as to furnish practical use as well as an aesthetic solution, thus differing from the pure utility of engineering construction. As a...
BREX constructor
The company asked me to create visuals for the website headers in their corporate identity. The idea was to create a flexible and scalable 3d constructor with unique elements that we can use over and over again to create metaphorical visuals. I designed hundreds of elements and dozens of header imag...
I believed in this proyect since the first time i walk in to the barber shop, the vibes & the concept inspired me so much to create this collection of photos. I stoped taking pictures for 2 years and now that im back on my dream this is one of the first proyects that’s having an amazing result...
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