Un'ode alle sabbie

I was born and raised in Kazakhstan, among the desert and steppe. This image of sand is forever entrenched in my heart.
Therefore, I portrayed the model as a sand goddess, who had her own throne, the smoke from which she appeared and a laurel wreath like the Greek goddesses. I gave the name to this project in Italian, as a similar theme brings to me images from Italian artists: Sandro Botticelli, Michelangelo.
The basis of my creativity is reflection. With the help of photography, I look deep into myself. I am inspired by the themes of the soul, consciousness, acceptance, the place of man in our Earth and harmony. All these thoughts - reasoning are born in my photographs.
As I said, I was inspired by the nature of my childhood and my love of the desert and women.
I sewed one of the clothes myself, chose light flowing fabrics, and during processing I stuck to a low contrast, lowered the white point and raised the black point in Photoshop to emphasize the airiness and “divinity” of these images
Canon Mark II
Canon 50 mm 1.8
Macbook PRO
For this project, I myself designed clothes for the model and even a hair clip in the form of a laurel crown. I shot at sunset when the sand looks especially pink.
Then I processed the photos in Adobe Photoshop, removed excess objects in the background and practically did not affect the original colors of the photo.
I was once again convinced that I really love sand and women ?
There was a funny story while shooting. When we arrived at the place of shooting (it is about 50 km from my city), it turned out that a tractor was working there, digging up sand, then another group arrived with a photographer and a model. So we worked together with a tractor bucket flying over our heads and next door to another photo shoot.
Act when you have something to say! Do not be silent!
I love this, it looks so enchanting!