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Design Ideas is your source for fresh hand-picked inspirations. It has been said that the best way to improve your creativity is to analyze the work of other artists. Here at Design Ideas, our editors curate and deliver the best designs to you daily. If you see something you like, please leave a comment for the artist (even if it's short). Your comments are greatly appreciated by the artists.


What is Frog Box? With a roll-out playmat and adorable frog body, this unique and fun take on a toy box was designed and built for play. Frog Box is a space saving, knee safe solution for your little one....

Horny Rabbit - Sex Shop Concept

Horny rabbit is a concept of a sex shop of a new era. Its design says: "Times have changed - it's time to drop down red velvet veils and welcome new sex shops without excessive theatrical decoration." Packaging is minimalist but at the same time screams with pleasure. The irony in packaging and adv...

DC MetroEASE Mobile App

DC MetroEASE is a smartphone metro card that enables riders to enter and exit the metro station. The goal for creating this app is to put riders at ease while using the metro, ultimately making their days a bit less stressful. The concept is based off the idea of NFC technology....


Minimal - Portable - Hygienic, These are the key elements behind F-T Toothbrush. A smart and elegant way to take care of your Teeth. A functional, durable and simple style combined make F-T brush the best option for you not only while travelling also where at work and home....


The Princess's bedroom, the focus of this project was to show the illumination and comfort acquired. We made this project in partnership with the CASATUA Architecture office. A clear and quiet environment for children from 2 to 6 years. There is a space with bench for study and reading between cab...

Desiring God Brand Design

Desiring God Ministry It is a ministry of youth created for the purpose of increasing God's thirst in every heart and living a life according to His way. Today the youth seeks to fill their lives by searching for the wrong sources by taking them along a path full of consequences, which is why this m...

Formosa Film Festival

The project is aimed to research the change of cultural identity of taiwanese people through taiwanese films. It explores taiwanese films which reflect the cultural identity. I want to create the new branding of island of Taiwan by using old house visual elements....

Visit Blackpool / branding + print + animation

The task was to rebrand Blackpool and target a specific audience. I've created a rebrand which is modern, utilizing bright colours, but uses the persuasive technique of nostalgia to appeal to the parents of young famillies. A more child focussed brand, which features emphasis on children having fun....

Denso Pulp Juicer

The Denso Pulp Juicer is a thoughtfully designed juice extractor for health-conscious consumers. With its uniquely innovative mesh design, it can extract both fibre-rich and fibre-free juice. Every element is designed with utmost attention to detail to provide a delightful user experience. A great ...