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Scarecrow (Revamp)
Scarecrow (revamp) is a personal illustration I drew this fall during the renowned Inktober challenge. A little boy is dressed up as a scarecrow for Halloween and his costume isn't quite scary enough to keep the crows away. In fact, crows start swarming around which naturally makes him nervous!...
Football players
My task was to draw about 350 portraits of football players of the 2018 world championship in Russia in just 3 months. The portraits should have been stylized and used in a browser game. There was no other input from the client. The first step was to find a style. I worked alone at this stage. Afte...
Dream vacation
Camping is one of the best types of rest probably. Beautiful views, clean air and good company make your vacation unforgettable There is a dream place in the picture. I tried to put in the picture all the best images from my head....
Illustrations - Sans visage, Saint-Thérèse
Faceless (sans visage) illustration of a saint from the saint collection I'm doing. This one is called “Sainte-Thérèse”. Commission are open for editorial, print, magazine, blog anything you got in mind. Collaboration is what I want, money come after....
La Mujer Azul
La Mujer Azul is a digital illustration of an original fictional character that I came up with once in a library. She's supposed to be a goddess, characterized by the color blue of her hair and clothes. I illustrated her in Photoshop, using a Wacom Intuos tablet, and it took me about 3 days to compl...
I have created illustration inspired by sculptures, covering the basic spectrum of colors. I chose to make each monochrome in color with a caption to match the expression. The captions are meant to be funny and sarcastic, to balance the seriousness of the sculptures....
The Girl with the Red Coat meets Ghibli
This illustration series is an homage to Studio Ghibli, using my original character, the Girl with the Red Coat, as an “actress” at my favourite Ghibli movies (“Nausicaä of The Valley of the Wind”, “My Neighbor Totoro”, “Kiki’s Delivery Service”, “Princess Mononoke”, “Spirit...
Mighty Hercules
"Mighty Hercules" is an illustration from a collection that I am currently working on called "Aerial Perspectives and Reflection". A collected I started during the winter to hash out things I thought about, or images I wanted to illustrate which had a significant meaning to me. The project started a...
More Than Men
This is a series of Illustrations created as a personal homage to three of my favourite superheroes. The idea for each was to create spaces and scenes using mainly their emblem/motifs as compositional and depth cues, whilst still trying to create an environment of tension, mystery or action. It is ...